
Physical Therapy Treatment Services:

Our outpatient physical therapy services include: Evaluation of musculoskeletal functional limitations with McKenzie-based assessment tools, therapeutic exercise, manual therapy (including Graston technique), therapeutic activities, gait and transfer training, neuromuscular re-education, pain management/modalities and continual re-assessment. Aftercare gym maintenance programs will be made available. All services will be provided in a positive and entertaining atmosphere.

Products such as small exercise equipment/tools, will be available and/or sold for home exercise programs in promoting independent and self-sufficient maintenance with proper training and tools.

Body Area

Other Treatment Areas

Neck (Back To Treatment List):

CAN’T sleep, turn your head to drive, read, lift your kids or sit at your desk because of neck pain? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses: Cervical Spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis. Cervicalgia, Post surgical Cervical Fusion/Decompression, Whiplash, Radicular symptoms into one or both upper extremities, Poor posture, Disc problems (herniated, bulging, etc), Headache

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help: Physical therapy neck conditions focuses on the structures that support the spine and its joints including muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Acute, Chronic or recurrent neck pain can be severely debilitating and can also be accompanied by upper back pain, shoulder blade pain, and headaches. These symptoms, along with tight neck muscles and stiff joints, can make even the simplest daily activities painful. Your Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will create a customized plan for your neck rehabilitation, which may cover common issues such as flexibility and stretching that can expand or preserve the range of motion and elasticity in affected cervical (neck) joints to much more complicated issues caused by car accidents. Treatment for your neck could include: stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Back (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T sleep, lift your kids, bend over to pick something off of the floor, walk in the grocery store, stand at the kitchen counter or travel in the car? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Lumbar Spondylosis, Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Lumbago, Post surgical Lumbar fusion/decompression, Radicular symptoms into one or both lower extremities, disc problems (herniated, bulging, etc), stenosis, sciatica, pinched nerve

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
Back pain is one of the most common problems in today’s society. A wide range of people suffer from some degree of back pain at some point in their lives. Unfortunately, once you have back pain, you are more likely to have episodic back pain and it will return in the future, sometimes worse if not treated correctly. Many people reach for pain medication, rest, injections, massage and chiropractic care which unfortunately only help the symptoms, not address the source of the problem. Physical therapy can work with these other treatments to ensure that the source of the back problem is correctly addressed to eliminate your back pain from returning. The Treasure Valley is in the top 5 in the nation for the most back surgeries per capita, most of which are repeat or repair surgeries. Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Shoulder (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T reach into the cupboard, lift your kids, carry groceries, get dressed, do your hair or throw a ball? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Impingement, Rotator Cuff Tear/Repair, Frozen Shoulder, Post surgical Rotator Cuff Repair, Pain, Post-Fractures, Labral tears, tendonitis, osteoarthritis

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
Shoulder pain can be very debilitating and is often caused by reduction in the joint mobility and poor muscle balance. Physical therapy can help reduce your symptoms and improve your ability to return to your regular activities. Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Elbow (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T lift your kids, carry groceries, get dressed, open a door/jar, do your hair or throw a ball? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Lateral/Medial Epicondylitis, Tennis Elbow, Post-Fractures, tendonitis, osteoarthritis

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
We use our elbows all day long for a number of activities and when we have elbow pain, even the simplest tasks are very difficult. Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Hand/Wrist (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T open a door or a jar, get dressed, lift your kids, carry groceries, do your hair or type at your desk? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Post-Fractures, osteoarthritis,

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
When we have hand/wrist pain, the simplest tasks can be very taxing and is often caused by an injury or overuse which caused poor mobility and muscle balance. Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Hip (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’ T walk with your spouse, go up/down stairs, knee in the garden, get in/out of the car, run, dance or lift your kids? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Total Hip Replacement/Repair, Bursitis, Pain

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
Walking, stairs and standing can all be very difficult when you have hip pain. There are several muscles and ligaments that make up the hip and most often it is not just one thing causing the problem. Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Knee (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T walk with your spouse, go up/down stairs, get in/out of the car, kneel in the garden, run, play sports or go up/down a ladder? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Total Knee Replacement/Repair, Meniscus Tear, ACL Repair, Patellofemoral Syndrome, Baker’s Cyst, Osteoarthritis,

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help
Our knees take a great deal of impact every day and when they are in pain, it is difficult to perform your regular activities. Injuries, impact activities, abnormal gait, poor muscle balance can all cause issues. Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Foot/Ankle (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T walk with your spouse, play sports, run, go up/down stairs, get in/out of the car? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Ankle Sprain (3 Grades: 1. Micro trauma, 2. Partial tearing of ligaments, 3. Complete tearing of ligaments), Post-surgical repair, chronic ankle instability

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
Ankle and foot injuries are very common, especially if you’ve had one in the past. Once an ankle is sprained and/or twisted, it is more likely to be re-injured in the future without proper treatment.
Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Graston Soft Tissue Mobilization (Back To Treatment List)

1. Graston is a technique using stainless steel tools to provide soft tissue mobilizations. This technique is used to reduce scar tissue following a surgery or injury, reduce muscle tightness and improve muscle balance and blood flow. Some bruising, redness and discomfort may occur with this treatment, however I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy will address the side effects specifically with you. Graston is a great tool used in conjunction with other treatments such as strengthening, range of motion, stretching and stabilization to meet your goals.

2. Common Diagnoses and/or issues that benefit from Graston.
Medial Epicondylitis/osis, Lateral Epicondylitis/osis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Neck and Back Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Rotator Cuff Tendinitis/osis, Patellar Tendinitis/osis, Tibialis Posterior Tendinitis/osis, Heel Pain, DeQuervain’s Syndrome, IT Band Syndrome, Post-Surgical and Traumatic Scars, Myofascial Pain and Restrictions, Chronic and Acute Sprains/Strains, Non-Acute Bursitis, RSD (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, Wrist Tendinitis/osis, Reduced ROM Due to Scar Tissue, Achilles Tendinitis/osis

McKenzie Assessment and Treatment (Back To Treatment List)

McKenzie is an assessment process that your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy is certified in and specializes in assessing and treating the spine and extremity joints. This assessment tool is based on your mechanics and ability to move, looking at how your symptoms respond to these movements. If you respond with a certain direction, then you may be given that direction as a home exercise program to determine if this will decrease your symptoms and overall reduce your problems. Whether your pain is coming from a disc, nerve, ligament, muscle, joint or all of the above issue, many people respond to specific directions to reduce the pain generator and relieve your symptoms. All patients will undergo a McKenzie Assessment, however if you do not respond to a specific direction, then your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy will take this information and tailor it to your treatment plan of care, whether that may be stretching, strengthening, stabilization, moblization, soft tissue work, neurodynamics and/or functional activity. Come in and speak with one of our I CAN PT Doctors of Physical Therapy to learn more how the discs and nerves play a role in your pain.

Common problems that can be effectively treated: Back pain with associated radicular leg pain. Neck pain with associated radicular arm pain. Frozen shoulder. Meniscus tear. Labral tear.

Balance / Gait (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T walk in the grass, go up/down and stairs, bend over to pick something off of the floor, walk in a crowd? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Dizziness, Vertigo, BPPV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo), Parkinson’s, General weakness, surgeries, injuries.

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
Proprioception is when the body and the brain know where they are in space and in healthy, non-injured people, the two communicate without any problems. Injuries, surgeries, certain diagnoses and pain can alter this communication and cause issues with our balance.
Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Chronic Pain (Back To Treatment List)

CAN’T go to the grocery store, play with your kids/grandkids, work in the garden, sew, go to work, play sports, walk in your neighborhood, carry groceries? I CAN PT can help.

1. Common Problems/Diagnoses:
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Back Pain, Chronic Neck pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

2. Treatments and how I CAN PT can help:
Chronic pain is real and is unfortunately difficult to understand and treat if not addressed correctly. If you have chronic pain, more than likely, your nervous system needs to be addressed mechanically. Our nervous systems play a huge role in how pain is perceived and if not addressed, no amount of strengthening exercises will address the source of the problem.
Your I CAN PT Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) will perform an extensive/comprehensive mechanical evaluation to determine what the best treatment is for you, whether it is stabilization, directional preference exercises, strengthening, stretching, soft tissue mobilization, range of motion, modalities for pain control, functional movement/activity and/or a combination of all of them. No two patients are identical and your DPT will tailor a specific treatment plan of care to effectively treat your symptoms and address the source of the problems to meet your goals.

Treatment List

Acute and Chronic Pain
Back and Neck Pain and Bulged Disks
Foot and Ankle Pain
General Orthopedics
Graston Technique
Injury Screenings
Kinesio Taping
Leg and Knee Pain
Manual Therapy
Hand Therapy
Pre and Post-Operative Care

Shoulder Pain
Spine Rehab
Sports Injuries
Total Joint Rehab
Wellness Programs
Work Injury Rehab
Therapeutic Exercises
McKenzie Assessment / Treatment
Range of Motion
Graston Soft Tissue Mobilization
Joint Mobilization

TMJ Dysfunction
Neural Mobilization
Passive Range of Motion
Gait Training
Balance Training
Neuromuscular Re-Education
Body Mechanics
Home Exercise Program
Work Conditioning
Vestibular Rehab
And More. Call today to see if we treat your condition and to receive a free consultation!